Note: This video has an audio soundtrack (it’s anything but silent!)
Our Silent Disco add-ons can be used with any of our DJ/Disco packages and come in kits starting from 50 headsets. You can use up to 3 transmitters to have a choice of 3 different audio feeds. This could be the DJ plus an additional playlist from your own iPod/Laptop, or 2 or 3 different iPod/laptop feeds. For Weddings this could be a Mr vs Mrs playlist. We have even used the second channel to plug into the football/rugby to allow the sports fans to watch a game without disturbing the party.
Silent Disco has a great novelty aspect to it. If you are running 2 or more channels then it’s possible for people to be dancing together but to different songs, or even singing along to different tracks. But it’s not just for novelty value; if your venue has a music curfew at a certain time then the Silent Disco add-on is a perfect way to extend the party without keeping the neighbours awake.
Guideline Prices:

Prices quoted above are subject to availability and as an add-on to our normal DJ/Disco packages. We don’t allow our headsets to be rented by themselves or as dry-hire, but you if you want to use them with a band or 3rd party entertainer then please ask for a quote for one of our event engineers to bring them to you and take them away after the party. Damage to headsets will be charged at cost price for repair, we can fix almost any damage quite cheaply so please do return all the headsets regardless of their condition. Missing headsets not returned are charged at £25 per pair.