Well it`s been another busy month for me. Several young farmers an 18th an engagement party and a wedding for the willaims family who are always a great bunch to Dj too. Last friday saw myself big Al Karrot and Jamie do the EDF Energy awards at sandy park. Arriving on site for 10am with bacon sarnies we set about rigging up which took most of the day. As an `EDFer` i then attended the meal and then got behind the decks to crack out a well recieved video disco. With Jamie...
Read MoreWell worth the effort – EDF Conference a great success
Well we`ve worked for 29 hours straight on the EDF Conference and Awards night and it was a great success. We installed our Mobile club rig as a stage frame to save space in the cramped function suite and the visuals system worked perfectly with a mix of graphics going out to the 3 projection screens (one was a double stacked 8klumen rear projection wall) and twelve 50″ plasmas around the building. Chris ran the sound desk Jamie was on lighting I did the...
Read MoreLots of Planning for EDF Energy Conference and Awards Night
We are on full-steam-ahead for a huge event happening this Friday. As the newly appointed events supplier for EDF Energy we are going the extra mile to make sure their first event with us gets 110%. Lots of custom gobos for this one so fingers crossed everything arrives in time!
Read MoreCharity Event goes well
Chairty event tonight for me in Tiverton all went well and they had a good turnout with a good amount raised for the Domestic Abuse awareness chairty SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone.)
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